Problems in the herd?

Published: 2021-03-21

Studies show that grain (barley, wheat, rye and maize) and straw from the 2020 harvest contain more mycotoxins than normal. Luckily, the levels are usually low, but many mycotoxins can often unfortunately be seen at the same time. Many different mycotoxins at a low level, combined with their effects over time (several months) can affect the cow to the point where she simply gives up.

Before it reaches that stage, problems often start to appear in herds. Lately we have heard of symptoms similar to the ones listed below from many of our customers. That would seem to indicate that the immune system of their cows is under pressure.


Contaminate plant crops and become an invisible enemy in animal feed

Do you recognise any of these symptoms?

  • High-yield cows suddenly lose interest in feed, and milk production rapidly drops
  • Can be early in lactation – or after 150-200 days of lactation
  • Cows in the middle of lactation go down with displaced abomasum – diarrhoea, and in severe cases, can die
  • New calvers have problems starting up, will not eat properly, and milk production is not good enough
  • Things do not go as they should, despite good roughage and a good feed plan
  • Cell counts are too high – and hard to bring down
  • Not all cows are affected at the same time – often only a few cows show symptoms
  • Some cows are just ill and do not do well

Vilomix has developed the toxin binder X-Bond Rumen to counter the effects of mycotoxins. The product is also available in an organic variant.

Get to know more on the product X-Bond Rumen?

X-Bond Rumen is an innovative toxin binder developed by Vilomix that counter the effects from mycotoxins. 

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