A »gentle« start-up in the weaning unit

Published: 2023-05-31

Pigs are growing well on a low-protein feed that is high in fiber, but the phasing out of zinc had initially a negative impact in ADG costs and an increased feed consumption in the piglets at Sofiesminde in Aalestrup.

At Sofiesminde near Aalestrup, it has been observed that feed consumption has increased after the phasing out of medical zinc. However, the feed consumption in the weaner's section of pig producer Palle Eriksen remains low, at 1.65 FEsv per kg. This growth rate is compared with the national average, which stands at 1.81.

The farm, which consists of 1,250 sows, primarily supplies 30 kg pigs to a Danish customer. Overall, the production is stable, with a consistent trend that follows a straight line.

However, there have been minor challenges in the weaner's section, particularly during the process of phasing out medical zinc. Palle Eriksen explains that these challenges have resulted in some small obstacles along the way.



Farm in Aalestrup, Jutland, Denmark

Owned by Palle Eriksen

1,250 sows producing 39,000 piglets

600 hectares of crop farming
+ wind turbine operation

8 employees

Dry feed in the climate unit

According to consultant Bo Pedersen from Vilomix, it has been a common observation since the phasing out of medical zinc that pigs tend to be more affected within herds when problems arise. However, the challenges faced in the weaning stable are highly individual and vary from herd to herd. This is because there are numerous factors at play during the start-up phase that can influence the outcome.

- Here the medication has changed and our efforts are greater in the beginning of the weaning period. We also regularly carry out analyses to ensure that we know which type of diarrhoea causes problems, says Palle Eriksen.

He estimates that piglets have increased feed consumption by at least five percent. However, it seems that things are starting to get better.

Individual feed diets

In the weaning unit, dry feed is used, whereas a wet feeding system is employed for the sows, which ensures constant access to feed. In the case of dry feed, the ingredients are mixed first, and then the finished mixture is transferred to the wet feed tank.

In the initial stages of the weaners' section, feeding is carried out manually. The same mixture that the pigs were accustomed to receiving on the pen floor in the farrowing stable is provided.

Results from the

Weaned per year, number 37.1
Live-born per litter, number 18.6
Mortality in farrowing pen, % 9.3
Feed conversion ratio per kg of gain 1.65
Mortality, % 2.9
Daily weight gain, g 476

For feed recipes two and three, a string is attached to the feeding pipes for each mixture, allowing for the opening of both mixtures during the transition phase. This gives flexibility in providing different feed options during this transition period.

A sensible feed distribution

- In the weaning unit the concentrate Danstart Gentle is used , which is lower on protein and high on fiber, it also has a different acid composition compared to the concentrate used before, explains Bo Pedersen.

The consultant has also calculated the distribution of the mixtures in the climate unit at Sofiesminde.

- There is a good distribution of consumption between the three piglet mixes:  5.4 FE of mixture 1, 13.3 FE of mixture 2 and 21.7 FE of mixture 3 are used, and thus not so much of the very expensive mixture 1.

Want to know more about Danstart Gentle?

The Danstart Gentle concentrates are developed to enhance a high feed intake and to accommodate the special challenges that piglets undergo at weaning.

Quality feed and water

It is not only feed and raw material quality that is in focus. Washing and disinfection, drying and heating the stable before piglets are weaned and not least -drinking water.

- We really have a strong focus on drinking water. The water must always have such quality so that we want to drink it ourselves, says Palle Eriksen, while at the end wall of the weaning unit he pulls the hose off by the water cup and drinks a sip.

Any questions?

Is Danstart Gentle maybe something for you or do you just want some advice about a gentle start-up in the weaning unit? Please contact our Vilomix nutritionists in pigs, and we will help you. 

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