phasing out zinc oxide at danish pig farms

Published: 2021-07-07

Vilomix runs a project together with SEGES (the Danish Swine Research Center) with the purpose of finding solutions to the home mixers' challenges in the work of phasing out the medical zinc oxide. 

Consultants from Vilomix are therefore working on Danish pig farms in 6-months projects to phase out medical zinc oxide by implementing optimised feed and new initiatives within both hygiene and management practices.

How to phase out zinc oxide

We have visited the Danish pig farmer Anders Nykjær, who is part of the Vilomix zinc-project. Listen to him talk about his experiences from the project and motivation to participate.

Senior adviser at Vilomix Jens Svendgaard also talks about the specific learnings that have been seen across the participants so far when it comes to phasing out zinc oxide.

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