Published: 2020-06-06

Several hot periods followed by high humidity can create a significant risk of fungal attack in the field and thus a risk of mycotoxins in the feed.

Despite that the grain status is unknown yet, predictions indicate that there is contamination of the mycotoxin DON in wheat and corn - and also some Zearalenon. Although Zearalenon does not indicate huge contamination, it is still critical because it affects gilts and sows which health is crucial for the overall output.

The new harvest of wheat and barley is on stock, new corn is not harvested yet, and now it is important to analyze your grain for: Protein, water and other values to ensure optimal feeding.

Preliminary surveys of the European harvest (barley and wheat) found trichothecenes (one of them being DON) in 50% of the samples with an average content of 0,6 mg/kg, which is at a medium risk level. 58% of the samples are contaminated with more than 1 mycotoxin, which obviously increase the risk of experiencing problems in the herd (source: Biomin).

Mycotoxicosis is mostly chronical with subclinical symptoms which decrease productivity but does not necessarily create definite signs as acute intoxication. It takes time and money to find out - therefore we recommend to use toxin binders preventively if uncertainty exists around the grain quality.

Uneven distribution of mycotoxins in the silo

Grain can be analyzed for mycotoxins – but - opposite to protein content -  and due to uncertain distribution, it does not give a guarantee for the feed to be free of mycotoxins. Analysis in this case could be used as purely an indication if mycotoxin challenges exist at the farm or in a limited raw material batch. Additionally sampling errors and analytical errors may occur.

The optimal strategy to protect your animals is therefore to use a preventive dosage of a toxin binder. 

Vilomix has developed the product serie X-Bond consisting of 3 variants to minimize and prevent the risk of mycotoxins.

X-Bond is a triple-action toxin binder, that not only binds and deactivates naturally occuring mycotoxins. It also supports animal health and performance by delivering a functional nutrient complex.

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