The dilemma for the high-yielding cow at the start of lactation is lack of energy for milk production. Fat conversion increases significantly around and shortly after calving as a result, which means that a lot of the fat is transported onwards into milk production, but more is also ‘stored’ in the liver (liver fat). ​

The liver is the cow’s most important organ in relation to the conversion of nutrients around calving. Body fat is converted to milk, which puts more strain on the liver function. Choline plays a vital role in this process.

Metabolic Booster is a feed supplement given around calving that contains choline added in a rumen-protected form. The advantage being that the choline is not broken down in the rumen but is absorbed directly in the gut. It is transported to the liver intact, where it boosts fat conversion.

Choline content reduces weight loss after calving
Choline content reduces the risk of ketosis
Milk production is stimulated

How does Metabolic Booster work?

Why choline matters

The dilemma for a high-production cow at the start of lactation is lack of energy for milk production. Fat conversion increases significantly around and shortly after calving as a result, which means that a lot of the fat is transported onwards into milk production, but more is also ‘stored’ in the liver (liver fat).

The content of choline in Metabolic Booster improves the transportation of fat from the liver. The risk of ketosis is reduced, along with weight loss.

Choline helps the cow to improve the conversion of available energy and thus to meet the energy required for the massive increase in milk production immediately afterwards.

Using Metabolic Booster the metabolism is influenced to convert a greater amount of nutrients, which means better energy status, startup and more milk.

The recommended dosage of Metabolic Booster:

  • Dairy cows 0-60 days after calving: 80-120 g
  • Dry cows 14-0 days before calving: 60 g

meet the needs of the high-producing cows

Feeding in groups with different energy levels is good for high producing cows.


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